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- Zakat (poor-due or compulsory charity) is the third pillar of Islam. It is Fard (compulsory) on anyone who has enough wealth above a certain minimum.
- Zakat means to purify.
- When you give Zakat, you purify your wealth.
- There are more than 30 verses in the Qur’an that mention Salah (Prayer) and Zakat (compulsory charity) together.
- Give Zakat to needy and poor Muslims.
- You should give Zakat to your deserving relatives first if they are poor or needy.
- Give Zakat only to those who accept it.
- Give Zakat to individuals to make them owners of it without any conditions attached
- Give two and a half percent of your cash in Zakat every year.
- Also give two and a half percent of the value of your wealth such as gold and silver jewellery in Zakat every year
- Zakat is also paid on the crops produced by a farmer and on the animals he owns.
- A businessman pays Zakat on the goods in his store or factory.
- A miner pays Zakat on the value of the minerals he mines.
- We can give Zakat any time of the year.
- The best time to give Zakat is in Ramadan as you get more thawab in the month of Ramadan.
- We also give another type of Zakat which is called Zakat al-Fitr to the poor and the needy in the month of Ramadan. The time for paying this is up to the Salah of Eid al-Fitr.
- If all eligible Muslims gave Zakat, no Muslims would remain poor.
- We are also encouraged to give sadaqah (voluntary charity) on a regular basis even if it is a loaf of bread for a poor person. We have to make sure none of our neighbours goes hungry. This is Sunnah or the Prophet’s tradition
- If we give sadaqah, we get extra thawab (heavenly reward).
- We should give in charity not to show-off or to be praised but to please Allah.
- A special category of sadaqah (voluntary charity) is sadaqah jariya (continuous charity). If we dig a well from which all people can obtain water freely, that is continuous charity. If we educate a child to become a pious Muslim, that is continuous charity.
- Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) taught us that doing good deeds are also acts of charity (sadaqah). He taught us that:
every act of kindness is sadaqah (charity),
taking care of animals is sadaqah,
planting something from which a man, a bird or an animal eats is sadaqah,
exercising justice between two people is sadaqah,
helping a man to mount on his animal is sadaqah,
helping to load or lift goods for someone is sadaqah,
saying good words is sadaqah,
every step you take to go for Prayers is sadaqah,
removing anything harmful from the road is sadaqah
- By performing any of these good deeds, even the poorest people are giving in charity. Such is the great teaching of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam).
- Our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) was most kind, charitable and generous.
- We should also be kind, charitable and generous every day of our life.